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Startup Toolbox

Excite Riverside is committed to fostering the success of startups. Modeled after QB3’s program from UCLA, UCB, UCSF, and UCSC, Startup Toolbox was created to equip Excite entrepreneurs with the tools they need to found and grow prosperous companies. Current offerings include pre-negotiated packages with local law firms and banks, HR benefits, accounting services, and CRO referrals, with further partnerships to be added over time.


The following law firms have offered to provide participants with a set package of services at a reduced or no charge, including: incorporation / entity formation, standard legal documents (NDAs, employment agreements, etc), and assistance with a pre-funding cap-table. Startup Toolbox companies are responsible for associated filing fees. Though companies are not obligated to continue to use their services after incorporation.


Early Growth Financial Services offers low-cost, fixed price professional accounting services for early-stage companies through the JumpStart program. Beyond accounting services, they also provide access to a CFO, financial modeling and tax services.

Moss Adams can guide very early stage companies with complimentary consultations regarding accounting systems, payroll set-up, tax filings and planning for SBIR and other grants compliance. As your organization grows, they can also provide bookkeeping, financial reporting and tax services at fixed fees that are appropriate for the stage of your company at that time.

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Companies are required to have a business bank account in order to apply for SBIR or STTR grants. Toward that end, the following banks have agreed to provide participants with no-deposit, no-fee bank accounts.


Startup Toolbox offers connections to insurance providers who can help with a range of insurance needs. These firms can specifically help with the insurance requirements in your license agreements with TDG.

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Startup Toolbox offers connections to insurance providers who can help with a range of insurance needs. These firms can specifically help with the insurance requirements in your license agreements with TDG.


Companies are required to have a business bank account in order to apply for SBIR or STTR grants. Toward that end, the following banks have agreed to provide participants with no-deposit, no-fee bank accounts.


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